In the Press

/In the Press

NDS neuroscientist developing solution for testing COVID-19 at home

By |2020-05-11T17:29:36+00:00April 24th, 2020|

By Nuffield Dept. of Surgical Sciences | Read the full article >> Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences (NDS) scientist Professor Newton Howard and his teams are working on the implementation of a COVID-19 saliva test. Professor Howard, Howard Brain Sciences Foundation researchers and ni2o inc (Neuron Input to Output) are working together to develop a COVID-19 [...]

Researchers take major step forward in Artificial Intelligence

By |2019-05-07T18:48:34+00:00May 7th, 2019|

By Nuffield Dept. of Surgical Sciences | Read the full article >> The long-standing dream of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to build an artificial brain has taken a significant step forward, as a team led by Professor Newton Howard from the University of Oxford has successfully prototyped a nanoscale, AI-powered, artificial brain in the form [...]

« Mon inquiétude, c’est que l’humain devienne de plus en plus stupide »

By |2019-05-07T18:49:05+00:00May 7th, 2019|

By Annabelle Laurent | Read the full article >>L’implant est, dit-il, de la taille d’un grain de riz, pèse un moins de deux grammes et est destiné à être inséré dans des zones du cortex. Voilà ce sur quoi planche Newton Howard, professeur de neurosciences computationnelles et de neurochirurgie à Oxford, et directeur du MIT Synthetic Intelligence Lab. [...]

«Avant de vouloir augmenter les cerveaux, commençons par les réparer» – Dr Newton Howard

By |2019-05-07T18:49:41+00:00May 7th, 2019|

By Natasia Jadjadji | Read the full article >> NASTASIA HADJADJI Mémoire éternelle, cerveaux connectés à Internet, intelligence augmentée : le cerveau humain est au centre de toutes les attentions. Scientifiques et expert-e-s de tous bords se penchent à son chevet, et entendent booster ses capacités. À rebours des annonces parfois outrancières des techno-gourous, le [...]